How to get featured in the App Store and Google Play

Getting featured means getting into special thematic selections that are compiled by the app store editors. This is a great opportunity to attract new users and increase traffic to your app. But it's a hard task because many developers try for it every month. In this blog post, we will give you some tips on how to increase the chance of your app being featured on the App Store and Google Play.

app store feature

Before fulfilling your submission and applying to get featured, remember that there are a few things that you need to comply with so they can consider your app.

  1. First, update your app regularly. Make sure that it's stable and users don’t complain of crashes. The request takes 4 to 6 weeks to be considered, so you need to be stable in the request time, with no major errors or frequent crashes.

  2. Second, make sure your app rating is higher than 4.5. Whenever problems arise, answer the reviews and users to minimize low ratings and negative reviews.

  3. Third, enhance your graphic ASO. The submission moderator should feel positively impacted by your icon and screenshots, which should be compatible with supported devices.

  4. Finally, remember to monetize via subscriptions (if possible). The app stores give preference to apps that monetize in this way. 


Fill out a form to get featured in the App Store and Google Play, one for each store. Fill it out correctly and engagingly, and remember that real people will read it, not a search engine algorithm. But before you start filling out the form and all the required fields, there are some important points you need to have clear and already developed:

A good description

A good description of your app should answer the question ‘Why should users install it?’. Briefly describe the benefits and key features of your app. Don’t make it too long, between 150-300 words is enough for a good description. It’s not a proper time to write a novel, so just focus on answering this question: why should users download your app? Remember that you can’t copy the description of your app, create a unique text with the benefits and key features. 

Great Team and Impactful Story

Make sure your app has a story behind it. You want to showcase what makes this app special and different from other apps like it. Explain to them what a great team is behind you, consider explaining how your app came about—did you get inspired by a personal experience or solve a problem for yourself? This will help the App Store or Google Play selectors understand what makes this app unique, which will increase the likelihood of them featuring it on their home pages.

Strong Marketing

Detail what lists of channels you are using in your user acquisition strategy if you have other apps as well. If you have any relevant metric to communicate like an increase of 50% in app downloads in a month or a rise in your retention, please share it with the stores, this can be relevant for them when they are deciding whether to promote you or not.

There are a lot of criteria that editors use to select the right apps: the experience and knowledge of developers, the value of their product, and its usefulness for users, but the most important thing of all is to have your philosophy, a belief in your product and its target audience. Your app should meet users' needs, and should not be “just another one”, but rather an original product that has something special to offer users.

Remember that when you create an app, it is not just about making a profit,  it is about providing users with a good experience, giving them something useful, something that can change their lives for the better. Show your knowledge of market trends, your experience in development and management, as well as your team’s competence, and communicate why your app deserves success!