The improvements of the App Store that every app marketer should be aware of! 🚀

At the beginning of this month, Apple’s Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC 2021) took place, in the event they announced different improvements to the App Store that are exciting the whole mobile industry.

Those announced changes are mostly for the marketers to be able to address their target audience more accurately, discover new users, and also understand the behavior of users when they are about to download an app in the App Store. We will go deeply into the main improvements below:

Product Page Optimization: A/B testing

The developers and marketers will be able to perform different A/B tests on their product page, creating different custom product pages for different types of users. This type of feature has been available in Google Play for a while, but will also be incorporated this year for the App Store too. This change will help developers and marketers to really improve their conversions because they’ll be able to perform several A/B testing at a time, they can test new screenshots, new videos, or even their app icon.

With iOS 15, developers can experiment with different screenshots, videos, and even app icons to see which ones users prefer.

Custom Product Pages

Also, Apple announced that with the new update, developers and marketers will be able to send specific audiences to specific product pages that have a unique URL. This is very positive when it comes to user acquisition campaigns since you can adapt up to 35 different product pages. For example, you can completely sync your App Store to your user acquisition target audience, its age, interest, or where they live. Also, Apple is going to provide more retention data and the average spent by users, which can help developers create more advanced types of monetization and also improve their user acquisition strategy.

With iOS 15, developers can create multiple custom product pages to showcase different features of the app.

In-App Events

The in-app events presented by Apple are timely events (think game competitions, new movie premiers, or live-streams) within apps. This allows apps and games to provide time-limited events and content that will be promoted by the App Store and will be a great way to engage with potential new users since the in-app events will have a very special place in the App Store. Users will be able to learn more about events, sign up to be notified for future ones, or quickly join an event that is currently happening in an app. They can also discover events with personalized recommendations through App Store search. The editors of the App Store will be responsible to curate the best events and feature them in the store.

In-app events will be shown in the App Store.

App Analytics

Apple also focused and communicated the new App Analytics, a new feature in the App Store. Besides being able to see all the App Store metrics, developers will also be able to see the metrics of the latest released features like in-app events, custom product pages, and product page optimizations, etc...

It will feature these new metrics:

  1. Re-downloads
  2. Total downloads
  3. Proceeds data
  4. ARPPU: Average revenue per paying user
  5. Pre-order
  6. Updates

Those new improvements on the App Store give developers and app marketers a lot of possibilities to improve the acquisition of new users and also their retention in the app, which is key to have sustainable growth. ASO (App Store Optimization) is becoming each day more relevant when it comes to app growth. If you do not have a strategy for it or if you think there is room to improve, get in contact with Rocket Lab. We will be glad to help you!

Let’s grow together!